The new laptops also beat Apple's next-generation models to market. Microsoft's new Duo phone rivals the latest swath of foldable devices from Samsung and will compete with Apple's iPhone 13 line and Google's upcoming Pixel 6 phones. The company also touted the system's speakers with Dolby Atmos technology. The company says the machine's processors - Intel's 11th generation Core H Series and Nvidia's GeForce RTX graphics - are some of its speediest to date. The laptop-tablet crossover has a 14.4-inch screen and is essentially a laptop version of its Surface Studio Desktop - where the screen can tilt down for easier drawing or video viewing. The Surface Book had a tablet-like screen that detached from a laptop base, but the Laptop Studio has a display that can tilt or close into a tablet while connected to the base. The most significant new product from Microsoft is a Surface Laptop Studio, replacing the company's Surface Book. The Pro X had been criticised for limited software support, but Microsoft says its new Windows 11 operating systems will bring it more apps.Īdobe, Zoom Video Communications and others also are working on offering additional support. Related Story Microsoft warns thousands of cloud customers of exposed databases